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WEBINAR: Reaching Out to Customers in an Ever-Changing COVID-19 Environment
Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 12:10 PM - 1:10 PM MDT
Category: Webinar

Feeling ill-prepared for communications with direct market and wholesale customers during this uncertain time? 

CFVGA in collaboration with Colorado State University Extension is working with Diane Mulligan, M&C Communication, to offer suggestions for CFVGA and individual growers to communicate with customers about what Colorado growers do to reduce the risk of COVID-19 in their workforce and at point of sale. Diane was a communications consultant during the Holly, Colo., listeria outbreak in cantaloupe and will provide practical suggestions that every grower can implement. M&C Communication specializes in communicating effectively within routine and less-than-routine environments.

This free, live webinar is open to all will be offered Wed., March 25, 12:10-1:10pm. Register at:  https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_p6AxTrrBQS6Q3adtc50x1g 
Please reach out to Adrian Card 303-678-6383 [email protected] with questions.

Contact: Adrian Card 303-678-6383 [email protected]